Monday, March 8, 2010

Saturday(6 March)
Went to Bugis with Nicholas. Once we reached there. Headed to iluma to buy "Percy Jackson, the lightning thief". It's like finally i'm able to watch it. Shopped around at Bugis street before movie. I bought a bag, and Nicholas bought himself a top & bottom.

The movie it's nice & awesome.

After movie walked around Bugis Junction. Went back Tampines for dinner. Decided to eat Ajisen and hanged around and homed after that.

Instead of going home, went to find Merlene. Slack at her house void deck. Camwhore a bit, and coincidentally saw Merlene's mum so she joined us for our photo taking session. And, went off at 11pm+ And, they accompanied me to bus stop And, off they go.

Yesterday(7 March)
Met Cheong haw 12.45pm at Plaza Sing, but i was late. Went to foodcourt for our lunch and headed to Grand Cathay for "Alice in wonderland 3D" the effect and the story wasn't that bad.

After movie, Mommy told me she was at Plaza Sing together with my Ahyi, so i went to find them and cheong haw went home.

Shopped till 7pm+ and went to coffee shop opposite ahyi's house. Homed after that.

Today(8 March)
School > Bedok inter with Mommy > Homed.