Saturday, April 17, 2010


Currently the weather seems so cooling to me. But my whole body is in pain :( :( Especially my neck area. And, there's a good new. From now onwards, i'm free from CCA, as because all graduate students are going to step down two weeks early before end of April. Isn't the great? (:

As for yesterday dance at BT. Overall was great. We, dancers had done a great job! Everyone was shocked and surprised at our performance! We were so happy. After so many weeks of hard work. Our effort had pay off, all thanks to our teachers-in-charge and Ms Ong!

We left the BT around 8pm+ after saying goodbyes to our teachers and HODs. Instead of going home, i went for tuition, which ended at 10pm. Walked to bus stop with Marina. And, bus home. Reached home around 10pm+. Removed make-up, bathe and had super late dinner. Slept @ twelve.

I guess i'm not going anywhere today. Let's make it a rest day for me! (: