Monday-Friday, 28Jun-2July
School had started, not much changes was made. However, with the new timetable, we've remedial till 4.30pm. Is like so tired loh, what if we have assignments then by the time we reached home confirm very late already...
I think I better stop grumbled and move on...
On Friday, after school, went out with Sisters & a dude. Went Terminal 2 to have Sakae Sushi. After that, bus to Tampines. Kaiqin, Fangqi & I left early.
Sunday, 4July.
Early the morning, went to my Aunt's block there. We're going M'sia. I think we went to Johor? Though is tiring but when it come to SHOPPING I'm so enthusiastic. Reach S'pore around 9pm+ Reached home 11pm+.
My cousin & I

This is a mini roti prata.

The van we taking.

Quiet morning street.

Our lunch venue.

Dinner venue.
Monday, 5July.
Headed back school with HuiShan. Had Oral practice. Finished @ 12pm+ Went out again to go inter met cheonghaw for Maths. Home @ 6pm+
Tuesday, 6July.
After school had N level Oral! Darn, i was so nervous, i guess i almost screwed up. Just hope that it can pass and help me during my English written papers.
Throughout the lessons, all were conducting test. Can die meh...after school, remedial then go home.